Print Catalogs
Important examples of ivory carvings from the 17-19th centuries Softcover $25; Hardcover $40
Exploring the various materials used in the decorative arts over the centuries, such as amber, nautilus shell, ivory, and rock crystal
Featuring the variety of stylistic revival trends which defined the industrial revolution in a potpourri of materials
A magnificent group of high-quality objects made in ivory, coral, micromosaic, rock crystal, and enamel, with a special section on the decorative arts produced at the Barbedienne bronze foundry in Paris in the 19th century
We produced several fine catalogs, as highlighted below. Each catalog entry is given an extensive description. At the back of each catalog, noteworthy sales are listed to provide further examples of works the Company has handled.
EMAIL US for the issue(s) you are interested in purchasing. Each issue is USD 25.00 (softcover) + shipping. Or USD 75.00 + shipping for all four issues.